
Development and education
Our educative practices are guided by 'Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework'. We believe that the foundation of children's learning is reliant upon educators building strong connections, trusting and reciprocal relationships with every child and their family. We also believe that peer to peer connections and relationships within our socially interactive environment empowers and enhances each child's holistic development, learning and well-being. ​
We provide children the opportunity to engage in play learning experiences that promote their communication/language, cognitive, social/emotional and physical learning. Through experiential play engagement the child has opportunities to be creative and inquiring; experience independence, decision making, cooperation, persistence; and to develop their resilience, communication, problem solving and logical thinking skills.
Through the provision of time, materials, resources and equipment, educators promote and extend a child's thinking, understandings, skills and development. The children's interests are foundational to the preschool program and an integral part of the child's learning process. The use of open-ended and loose parts resources allows the child diversity of use, free expression, opportunities for language, collaboration, and social and emotional development.
Behavioural guidance​
At Tweed Heads Community Preschool educators work together to direct children towards behaviour that benefits themselves and the people around them. Redirecting a child's behaviour allows them to be safe and maintain their self-worth. Using behavioural guidance strategies assists children to direct their own behaviour so that eventually it is based on intrinsically motivated self-regulation, along with an understanding and appreciation for the needs, rights and feelings of others.
Additional needs, and ATSI
​​Children enrolled with additional needs, of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent may attract additional funding from our funding body. Primary contact staff will liaise with parents and relevant agencies to accommodate any additional needs. Enrolment will take into consideration the centre's physical status, staff availability, availability of funding for a support worker, and recommendations of the child's specialists, therapists and agencies involved with the child.
Code of ethics​
At Tweed Heads Community Preschool we embrace the Australian Early Childhood Code of Ethics which includes: respect, democracy, honesty, integrity, justice, courage, inclusivity, social and cultural responsiveness and education. For a copy go to https://www.earlychildhoodaustralia.org.au/our-publications/eca-code-ethics/
We are a Child Safe Organisation
*Our Service follows the NSW Child Safe Standards​
*We prioritise the interests of children and their protection from harm is paramount.
*Child abuse is not tolerated and must not happen.
*Children's rights are understood, respected and upheld.
*Concerns about child safety raised by children, their parents, carers, third party persons are acted on.
*Reporting abuse is not obstructed or prevented.
*Our Service follows the NSW Child Safe Standards
* All staff have been assessed as suitable for employment. Reference checks are conducted before the applicant is formally offered the position, this includes the NSW 'Working with Children Check'.​
* All staff have completed 'Identify and Respond to Children and Young People at Risk of Harm'.
* All primary contact staff are mandatory reporters of suspected abuse.
Further information can be accessed in our policy book.