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Parents as partners

As a parent, you are one of the most important teachers in your child's life.  You teach your child personal values and reinforce their self-esteem and self-worth.  Your involvement in your child's education can bridge the gap between home and the service.

Spend time with your child at the centre

Parents are welcome and encouraged  to come into the centre to participate with your child, help out, observe how their child works within a group situation, get to know Educators, become familiar with the program and the operation of the service.

Become a committee member

The service is a community managed preschool, which is run by parents and community members.  Committee are elected at the Annual General Meeting at the beginning of each preschool year.  Committee and parent meetings are held monthly and parents are encouraged to take an active role in the management of the service for the benefit of the children.

Talk to staff

Become familiar with us, the people who will be caring for and co-learning with your child, as we partner with you during their early childhood life stage.  Your knowledge and understanding about your child is  invaluable to us.  We encourage and welcome your input and any resources that will promote your child's sense of belonging, engagement, participation, contribution, holistic development and inclusion within our program.

Fundraising and events

Our service is a non-profit organisation and all equipment purchased is through the dedication of our parents committed to fundraising.  Your ideas and input are welcome at meetings or through a committee member.  These events give families the opportunity to meet on an informal basis.


Parents are an important and necessary inclusion with excursions and events.  Their assistance is needed to maintain safety requirements with supervision and to maintain adult:child ratios.  Notes for parental permission will be sent home with full details of the proposed excursion.  Excursions /Incursions enrich the child's experiences outside the home and the preschool.

Contribute your talents or experiences

You may have a talent or experience you wish to share with the children.  You may be a musician, artist, performer , gardener or cook; maybe you could share your occupation with the children- caring for their health and safety (dentist, nurse, firefighter, lifesaver) the children's learning is extended when families exchange their skills, knowledge and talents.

Contribute your talents or experiences


Perhaps you could share your culture, language and traditions with us and the children. Talk to us- we are always looking to diversify our program to extend the children's awareness and understanding of their world and include their familial and lived experiences within our program.

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